Monday, September 8, 2014

The 'Alleged' Grim Sleeper Pre Arraignment.. September 4th 2014

At the Criminal Courts Building on Sept 4th there was yet another Pre Trial Arraignment in the 'alleged' Grim Sleeper Case.  As always, the Defense 'need more time', so after 4 years and 2 months of delays, it is going to be delayed even further.

The last time we were in Court, for yet another pre -arraignment, the Defense eluded to this new delay was due to audio recordings that I'd had with their client.

The Defense stated that they need to go through a large number of audio recordings of my extensive jail interviews and telephone conversations which I'd had with their client, Lonnie Franklin, since he was arrested in 2010.   They claimed they would need at least a year to go over all of this information.

I obviously felt very awkward as I sat in the Courtroom, minding my own business, to be spoken about with the implication that, now, the cause of these delays are in part my fault.  The Judge hadn't a clue what the Defense was talking about but another 'woman' with a position of power knew exactly what the Defense meant.  She then chimed in and attacked me, in her typical way of attacking people.  I responded to her very nicely and corrected her by saying that 'I'm an author'.  

I shouldn't have responded as I was not 'called upon to respond', so for the next time I'll know better. However it's a little difficult when everyone is referring and speaking about me, (and one woman angrily attacking me) when I was sitting right there.   Apparently she is known to attack everyone so I should have been prepared that my day was coming.  It seems that vindictive women are everywhere in Los Angeles, yet I'm surprised that with her being in a high position in the Courtroom, that it doesn't exclude her from behaving like one.

On the morning of September the 4th it went pretty much the same way as it does every few weeks with the Defense using as many 'stalling tactics' as they can.   As always the Defense asked the Judge "May I just say something?" And her usual response is "No you may not!" Usually because he is interrupting someone.

The jist of this whole morning was about not turning over the 'discovery' of the evidence and also delaying the return of those 'discovery items'.  The Prosecution stated that "Not one item has been returned by Consul yet"  The Defense's excuse was that they didn't want to send it back in dribs and drabs and wanted to send it all at once when the testing was completed.

Bottom line is that the Defense wants more time... as always!
The Judge and Prosecution want a Trial date and the response from the Defense was typical:  "I'm not ready for Trial!"

So we continue to spin our wheels waiting for this case to go to Trial and these delays are all being caused by the Defense.

I am shocked, yet again, by the Justice System here in America in letting this nonsense happen.  This pending Trial has now become a farcical.  I am desperately sorry for the victims family members who should have had this Trial over and done with by now so they can have some form of closure regarding their loved ones.   This is truly a disgrace!


  1. Dear Victoria, I've heard such wonderful things about you from Nick Broomfield! Thank you so much for taking the leap and writing this beautiful blog. I look forward to following you here.

    1. Thank you Michele.. I look forward to making sure that this Blog is interesting for my readers as this is the first time I've done anything like this :-)
