Monday, March 21, 2016

WEEK 5 IN THE GRIM SLEEPER CASE..... Shocking behaviour by the Defense that beats all of his other lunacies from before..

March 21st

First day of Opening Statements from the Defense.

At 9.15am when we were all seated in the Courtroom, excluding the Jurors, The Judge said that The People could state their concerns before the Jury would be brought in.  And boy they/Beth Silverman certainly did that!

One of her main concerns is: the complete lack of ‘ethics’ ‘professionalism’ and ‘respect’ shown by the Defense.  She went completely off, and quite rightly so, on the way that Seymour Amster has conducted himself over the years and up to this point.  The Defense are bringing in Witnesses in the ‘11th hour’ to testify yet not even disclosing them to The People.     

DA Silverman: “The Defense Counsel do not follow the rules and also the Law.  I think that these two Attorney’s just don’t give a damn about ethics, the rules, professionalism.  How can you trust anything that comes out of his (Amster's) mouth? This is a Trial by Ambush by the Defense.

Ms Silverman was completely correct on everything she said and she certainly didn’t hold back.  It was about time someone stood up to this lunatic ~ Seymour Amster ~ and there was no better person to do the job than Ms Silverman.  

You could see Amster squirming in his seat and waiting to interrupt, as he always does, but for most of the time he waited.  I, of course, was thinking this would finally put this buffoon in his place and he would shrivel up and possibly apologize.  Much to the contrary.

After Ms Silverman finished pointing out every area where the Defense have ‘lied’ ‘been lazy’ ‘unethical’ 'disrespectful' etc, she finally rested.  Then the Judge let Amster speak.

Amster shot up like a bullet from a gun, hands flailing all over the place, his face so red it looked like he could explode, saliva flying out of his mouth, his neck protruding out from his shoulders and his mouth protruding even further out than that.  

Amster screamed back at Silverman with all sorts of excuses as to why he is a raving lunatic.  None of which made any sense.  The Courtroom were all looking around at each other as if to say how come someone isn't restraining him or, better still, throwing him out of the Courtroom.

Amster went on to say that he is “very upset that there are people in the audience that are laughing at him and the Witnesses”.   He told the Judge that "she 'should control her Courtroom' and not let people laugh at him.”  

Judge Kennedy stated that the audience in her Courtroom are all being very well behaved and that “it is YOU Mr Amster that is laughing at all the inappropriate times.”
To which he screamed more and more and more… hands waving around so much he almost hit Dale Atherton in the head…. Then Silverman interjected… then the Judge said to her “Quiet.. BE QUIET MS SILVERMAN…. you’ve had your turn”!  

It became so much worse than this.... Amster threatened that he was about to have a stroke!  Then the Judge told him to “Take a seat Mr Amster, it is me that is about to have a stroke with your behaviour, not you.  You just need to do your job!”  Then Amster continued on and said:

“That’s it!  I’m done.  The Defense has rested.  We are done.  Mr Franklin can get a new Attorney, I”m walking off the Case now.”

Beth Silvmeran retorted:  “He’s just bluffing”

All the Deputies and the Bailiff all gathered around Mr Amster as it looked as if he was going to completely ‘lose the plot’ right there and then in the middle of the Courtroom.  With an unbalanced lunatic like Mr Amster, one really doesn’t know what to expect so the Sheriff’s were correct in swarming in on him as he continued to flail and scream in a high pitched wail showing the true individual that he really is and always has been.

This went on and on and I will update my blog in its entirety by this coming Wednesday 23rd,  there is just too much to say here right now.  We are on a lunch break right now and I wanted to update the Proceedings from today as best I could for now…

To be, very much continued………..

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