Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Grim Sleeper Pre (X50+) Trial Arraignment... December 10th 2014

At 9.12am on the 9th floor of the Criminal Courts Building... the Defense for Lonnie Franklin Jr, came stumbling in at his usual 80mph pace.  Moments afterwards, the 'alleged' Grim Sleeper, Lonnie Franklin, was escorted in by the Bailiff, in his orange jumpsuit and looking downward as he always does.

The Judge spoke first stating that the Defense had only just 'filed a motion' this morning.... meaning this was to delay the Trial date even further.  Technical jargon was used but in layman's terms, it was clear to everyone that he is continuing to play his games using delaying tactics and filing motions as he has always threatened in each of the previous  Pre-Trial appearances.

The DA stated that over the course of the past 7 months that only 3 weapons (guns) have been tested for DNA and the remaining 7 guns haven't been checked at all.
To which the response from the Defense was that he will admit that there was a 'lapse' on his part however he will not be making any excuses for himself and feels that 'The People' do have a legitimate complaint in this instance.

He continued to go around in circles again still not giving any reason as to why this huge 'lapse' happened and what he can do to rectify the situation.

After many back and forth suggestions of the next Pre (Pre,Pre) Trial Arraignment date between the Judge, the DA and the village idiot.... I mean the Defense...  the date they decided upon was January 14th.

The Judge suggested that:
"Even though you two don't get along", referring to the DA and the Defense, "you both need to discuss this matter of how you plan to proceed with this case and also each other.  In fact I order you both to 'meet and confer' about this situation and come to some kind of Agreement before the next Court date".

Then the DA brought up the fact that we need a new Trial Date before we leave today.  To which the fight was on again from the Defense saying he is not ready to set a date for Trial.  Then the Judge responded immediately with:

"I don't think that he will never be ready!" Speaking about the Defense, she then questioned him by asking:
"What about setting a Trial Date for March Mr. *****?"  Judge Kennedy asked.
The Defense mumbled, "I'm thinking more like June as I'm hoping we can have it (The Trial) sometime next year."
To which the DA erupted with shock and the Judge ended with her comment that, "It will be next year Mr ******, that is a guarantee!"

Another non-entity Pre (Pre X50+) Arraignment day but we had to all be there to know what is going on and when the possibility of a confirmed Trial date might be..... still nothing is confirmed yet.

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